Workshop on Timing Anomalies

November 15. 2021. Grenoble IMAG Building.

Participation is possible either remotely (via Zoom) or on site.

Registration (free event but mandatory registration for both onsite and remote participation) To register send an email to please mention your participation mode (remote or onsite).

Workshop Description

Critical real-time systems have timing requirements in addition to functional requirements. Most real-time critical systems are moving towards multi-core architectures, on which several programs may execute at once and access the same resources (bus, memory, peripherals). Existing work about analysis of multi-core systems rely on the timing compositionality assumption : the worst case behavior of a system can be obtained by the worst case of its components and of interferences. Nevertheless, some sources of interference may reduce the overall execution time, even though they locally increase it. This phenomenon is called a timing anomaly.

This workshop aims at gathering various research groups working on timing anomalies, in order to standardize the existing definitions and classifications of timing anomalies, explore research directions to mitigates their effects or avoid them entirely.

Invited Speakers

  • Mathieu Jan (CEA) and Florian Brandner (TelecomParis)

    Scalable Detection of Amplification Timing Anomalies, from predictable pipelines to the TriCore pipeline

  • Jan Reineke, Saarland University

    Provably Timing-Predictable Microarchitectures

  • Hugues Cassé, Toulouse University

    A Framework for Calculating WCET Based on Execution Decision Diagrams


  • 10.00 : Welcome
  • 10.15 : Jan Reineke, Saarland University

    Provably Timing-Predictable Microarchitectures

  • 11.00 : Hugues Cassé, Toulouse University

    A Framework for Calculating WCET Based on Execution Decision Diagrams

  • 11.45 : Sébastien Faucou and Jean-Luc Béchennec (LS2N, Nantes)
  • 12.15 11.45 : Lunch Break
  • 14.00 : Mathieu Jan (CEA) and Florian Brandner (TelecomParis)

    Scalable Detection of Amplification Timing Anomalies, from predictable pipelines to the TriCore pipeline

  • Junior Session :
    • 14.45 : Benjamin Binder (CEA)

      Putting formal definitions of counter-intuitive timing anomalies to the test

    • 15.15 : Alban Gruin (Toulouse University)

      You make me SIC : achieving time-predictability in a Risc-V core

  • 15.45 : Panel discussion
  • 17.00 : Conclusion


  • Lionel Rieg, Verimag / Grenoble INP
  • Claire Maiza, Verimag / Grenoble INP

This Workshop is funded by the FEI CNRS project CAT-Sys.

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