RESSI 2017
les rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement en Sécurité des systèmes d’Information
Voir en ligne : RESSI 2017
- Membres
- Publications
- Outils
- Thèse en cours
- Emplois et stages
- Projets
- Partenaires
Colloques et Conférences
- 20 ans de Verimag, 26-28 (…)
- École d’été PERSYVAL-Lab (…)
- ACES’2008 September 29th, (…)
- ADSL 2018
- ADSL 2020 (@POPL 2020)
- AlgoTel 2017
- AlgoTel et CoRes 2020
- ARCH14
- ARTIST Summer School in (…)
- ARTIST2 Summer School 2008 (…)
- ASL 2022 : Advances in Separat
- AVM 2014
- AVoCS 2019
- BEeSy 2015
- CAPITAL Workshop - sCalable
- CAS 2012, January 13, Grenoble
- CAV 2009 June 26 - July (…)
- EMSOFT 2009 October 12 - (…)
- ETAPS 2014
- Euro-Par 2016
- FAC 2014
- FIMCP 2013, May 2nd, Marrakech
- FORMATS 2014
- FORMATS 2015
- GreHack 2016
- GT Verif 2018
- HSB 2014
- HSCC 2012, Apr 17-19, Beijing
- ICDCN 2012, January 3-6, (…)
- IWHSB 2013
- Journée informatique frugale
- MEMOCODE 2010, July 26-28,
- MEMOCODE 2011, July 11-13, (…)
- MeTRiD 2018
- MOVEP 2020
- RESSI 2017
- RTNS 2017
- RV 2018
- SSS 2020
- SSS’2011, October 10-12, (…)
- SSS’2016
- Synchron 2019
- SynCoP 2014
- Toward Systems Biology 2011,
- VECoS 2018
- WCET 2013, July 9, 2013, (…)
- WFAC’2008 - October 19th, (…)
- Workshop CAPITAL
- Workshop CAPITAL 2022 : (…)
- Workshop on Timing Anomalies
- RESSI 2017 : les Rendez-vous
- Séminaires
- Documents
- Axes
- Contact
- Plan du site
Nouvelles publications
- Quelques Publications
- Karine Altisen, Alain Cournier, Geoffrey Defalque, Stéphane Devismes: Self-stabilizing synchronous unison in directed networks
- Florence Maraninchi: Quelle recherche en informatique pour un numérique inscrit dans les limites planétaires ?
- Bruno Ferres, Oussama Oulkaid, Ludovic Henrio, Mehdi Khosravian, Matthieu Moy, Gabriel Radanne, Pascal Raymond: Electrical Rule Checking of Integrated Circuits using Satisfiability Modulo Theory
- David Monniaux, Léo Gourdin, Sylvain Boulmé, Olivier Lebeltel: Testing a Formally Verified Compiler
Offres d'emploi et stages
- Offres d'emploi et stages
- [Master] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core : execution mode analysis to reduce interferences
- [Funded PhD] Annotations de sécurité pour compilateur optimisant formellement vérifié
- [Funded PhD] Quantitative analysis of software security against adaptive attacks
- [Master] Adapting Hardware Platforms to a Multi-Core Response Time Analysis Framework
- [Master] Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies
- [Master] Exploration by model-checking of timing anomaly cancellation in a processor
- [Master] Towards New Frontiers in Multi-Core Response Time Analysis ?
- [Master]Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary
- [PostDoc] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core : execution mode analysis to reduce interferences