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  • Lustre V6

    Lustre V6 is the last version of the academic Lustre compiler, featuring an ada-like package mechanism, structured data-types (enums, structures), array iterators, and static recursion.

    The Lustre V6 toolbox (lus2lic, lurette, rdbg)

  • Multi-core interference Analysis

    A timing analysis tool for multi-core : From a description of data-flow application and initial schedule and mapping, it produces an updated schedule (release dates) that takes into account the inter-task interference. The focus is on the interference due to shared bus.

  • RDBG a Reactive programs DeBuGger

    rdbg is now part of the Lustre V6 toolbox (lus2lic, lurette, rdbg)

  • SASA a SimulAtor of Self-stabilizing Algorithms

    SASA is a Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor, based on the so-called Atomic State model (ASM) introduced by Dijkstra in its seminal article on Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms.

  • the Chamois CompCert Compiler

    A version of the CompCert certified compiler with added optimizations and a backend for the Kalray KVX processor.

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