MOVEP 2020

June 22-26, 2020

MOVEP is a five-day summer school on modelling and verification of parallel processes. It aims to bring together researchers, students, and people from industry working in the fields of control and verification of concurrent and reactive systems. MOVEP seeks to offer a broad spectrum of current research in this area, addressing theoretical and applied aspects of model checking, controller synthesis, software verification, temporal logics, real-time and hybrid systems, stochastic systems, security, run-time verification, etc.

MOVEP 2020 will consist of ten invited lectures. In addition, there will be special sessions that allow PhD students to present their on-going research (talks will last around 20 minutes). Extended abstracts of these presentations (2-4 pages) will be published in informal proceedings.

​The first five editions of MOVEP took place in Nantes (France) every other year from 1994 to 2002. It then moved to Brussels (Belgium) in 2004, Bordeaux (France) in 2006, Orléans (France) in 2008, Aachen (Germany) in 2010, Marseille (France) in 2012, Nantes (France) in 2014, Genova (Italy) in 2016 and Cachan (France) in 2018.

View online : MOVEP 2020 website

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