[PostDoc] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core: execution mode analysis to reduce interferences

from 2024

The implementation of critical applications on multi/many-core platforms is a hot topic in real-time research community. The interferences on shared resources such as shared memory, impacts the execution of critical tasks and their timing analysis. We focus on applications modeled by a direct acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks where edges represent precedence constraints and communications. Our previous work revisits the link between timing analysis and implementation with a collaboration of code orchestration, mapping/scheduling, interference analysis and schedulability. We consider the DAG as a periodic application with one global period. However, applications described by DAGs are generally multi-peridic or subject to execution modes. The idea is to analyze and integrate the execution mode to our implementation/analyses.

The candidate must have knowledge on real-time systems, timing analysis or Synchronous DAG applications. This postdoc is funded by the ANR project CAOTIC

Collaborators: Claire Maiza and Pascal Raymond

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