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People working at Verimag Lab.

Vincent Blanc email 0457422218 CNRS
Patrick Fulconis email 0457422217 UGA
Myriam Laurens email 0457422242 UGA
Boucif Mokhtari email 0457422226 UGA
Sylvie Renzetti email 0457422208 UGA
Valérie Roux-Marchand email 0457422243 CNRS
Professors & Assistant Professors
Karine Altisen email 0457422223 Grenoble INP
Nicolas Basset email 0457422215 UGA
Saddek Bensalem email 0457422204 UGA
Sylvain Boulme email 0457422206 Grenoble INP
Pierre Corbineau email 0457422211 Grenoble INP
Cristian Ene email 0457422214 UGA
Bruno Ferres email 0457422234 UGA
Akram Idani email Grenoble INP
Yassine Lakhnech email 0457422224 UGA
Claire Maiza email 0457422228 Grenoble INP
Florence Maraninchi email 0457422230 Grenoble INP
Jean-François Monin email 0457422231 UGA
Laurent Mounier email 0457422233 UGA
Michaël Perin email 0457422237 UGA Polytech
Marie-Laure Potet email 0457422238 Grenoble INP
Mathias Ramparison email 0457422220 Grenoble INP
Lionel Rieg email 0457422209 Grenoble INP
Christophe Rippert email 0457422241 Grenoble INP
Jean-Louis Roch email 0457422241 Grenoble INP
Catherine Vigouroux email 0457422236 UGA
Benjamin Wack email 0457422245 UGA
Thao Dang email 0457422212 CNRS
Susanne Graf email 0457422219 CNRS
Radu Iosif email 0457422221 CNRS
David Monniaux email 0457422232 CNRS
Pascal Raymond email 0457422240 CNRS
Joseph Sifakis email 0457422244 CNRS
Research Engineers
Dorel Marius Bozga email 0457422207 CNRS
Jacques Combaz email 0457422210 CNRS
Erwan Jahier email 0457422223 CNRS
Olivier Lebeltel email 0457422225 CNRS
Post-doc, Ater, and Contracts
Salim Chehida email Floralis UGA
Wendi Ding email UGA
Alexandre Donze email UGA
Hugo Pham email Grenoble INP
Changshun Wu email UGA
PhD Candidates
Ihab Alshaer email UGA
Bob Aubouin-Pairault email UGA/PERSYVAL
Alexandre Berard email UGA/CIFRE
Benjamin Bonneau email UGA/ENS
Hadi Dayekh email UGA
Baptiste De Goër De Herve email inria
Ana Maria Gomez Ruiz email UGA
Basile Gros email MESR
Weicheng He email UGA
Oussama Oulkaid email UGA/CIFRE
Alban Reynaud Michez email UGA
Timothée Rognon email UGA
Neven Villani email UGA
Karine Bannelier-Christakis email UGA
Stéphane Devismes email 0457422213 UGA
Jacques Fournier email CEA LETI
Paolo Maistri email cnrs
Annouchka Mathieu email UGA
Anne Rasse email 0457422239 UGA

In the Past

Past members are not listed here by default now. If you want to appear here, mail us ; indicate a valid and long-lasting url and/or mail if you want them/it to appear.

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