
    title = { {PinaVM}: a {SystemC} Front-End Based on an Executable Intermediate Representation },
    author = {Marquet, Kevin and Moy, Matthieu},
    month = {10},
    year = {2010},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Embedded Software},
    address = {{S}cottsdale, {USA}},
    note = {{SD} {B}.4.4, {I}.6.4, {D}.2.4 {O}pen{TLM} (projet {M}inalogic)},
    pages = {79},
    team = {SYNC},
    keywords = {{M}odeling, {V}alidation, {S}ystem{C}, {S}ystem on {C}hip}, language = {{A}nglais}, affiliation = {{VERIMAG} - {IMAG} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5104 - {U}niversit{\'e} {J}oseph {F}ourier - {G}renoble {I} - {I}nstitut {N}ational {P}olytechnique de {G}renoble - {INPG}}, collaboration = {{O}pen{TLM}}, day = {24}, hal_id = {hal-00495874},
    abstract = {{SystemC} is the de facto standard for modeling embedded systems. It allows system design at various levels of ab- stractions, provides typical object-orientation features and incorporates timing and concurrency concepts. A {SystemC} program is typically processed by a {SystemC} front-end in order to verify, debug and/or optimize the architecture. Designing a {SystemC} front-end is a difficult task and existing approaches suffer from limitations. In this paper, we present a new approach that addresses most of these limitations. We detail this approach, based on an executable intermediate representation. We introduce {PinaVM}, a new, open-source {SystemC} front-end and implementation of our contributions. We give experimental results on this tool.},


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