
    title = { {TT-BIP:} Using Correct-by-Design {BIP} Approach for Modelling Real-Time System with Time-Triggered Paradigm },
    author = {Guesmi, Hela and Hedia, Belgacem Ben and Bliudze, Simon and Bensalem, Saddek and Nabec, Briag Le},
    year = {2017},
    booktitle = {Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems - 11th International Conference, VECoS 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 24-25, 2017, Proceedings},
    pages = {171--188},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    volume = {10466},
    team = {RSD},


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